A Music Score Rendering Engine
Go to the source code of this file.
Classes | |
struct | GuidoInitDesc |
A data structure containing all information required by GuidoInit() More... | |
struct | GPaintStruct |
A structure to keep information about clipping and redrawing regions. More... | |
struct | GuidoDate |
Representation of a date as a rational value. More... | |
struct | GuidoMeter |
A meter representation. More... | |
struct | GuidoTempo |
Representation of tempo information at a given date. More... | |
struct | GuidoOnDrawDesc |
Contains all graphic-related information required by GuidoOnDraw() More... | |
struct | GuidoLayoutSettings |
Engine settings for the graphic score layout. More... | |
struct | GuidoPageFormat |
The page format parameters. More... | |
struct | GuidoGrParameters |
A structure embedding a layout settings and a page format. More... | |
Macros | |
#define | GUIDOAPI_deprecated __attribute__((deprecated)) |
#define | kMaxGuidoMeterCounts 15 |
Typedefs | |
typedef struct NodeAR * | ARHandler |
typedef struct NodeGR * | GRHandler |
typedef const struct NodeAR * | CARHandler |
typedef const struct NodeGR * | CGRHandler |
typedef GuidoMeter * | GuidoMeters |
typedef GuidoTempo * | GuidoTempoList |
typedef struct GuidoLayoutSettings | GuidoLayoutSettings |
Engine settings for the graphic score layout. More... | |
Enumerations | |
enum | TempoType { kTextualTempo, kUnitValueTempo, kUnitUnitTempo } |
tempo specification types. More... | |
enum | { kNoBB, kPageBB, kSystemsBB = 2, kSystemsSliceBB = 4, kStavesBB = 8, kMeasureBB = 0x10, kEventsBB = 0x20 } |
Bounding boxes drawing control constants. More... | |
enum | GuidoInternalDevice { guido_svg_with_font_spec = 0, guido_abstract = 1, guido_binary = 2 } |
enum | GuidoErrCode { guidoNoErr = 0, guidoErrParse = -1, guidoErrMemory = -2, guidoErrFileAccess = -3, guidoErrUserCancel = -4, guidoErrNoMusicFont = -5, guidoErrNoTextFont = -6, guidoErrBadParameter = -7, guidoErrInvalidHandle = -8, guidoErrNotInitialized = -9, guidoErrActionFailed = -10 } |
The guido error codes list. More... | |
enum | GuidoMapping { kNoMapping = 0, kVoiceMapping = 1, kStaffMapping = 1<<1, kSystemMapping = 1<<2 } |
Mapping mode for SVG export. More... | |
enum | { kAutoDistrib = 1, kAlwaysDistrib = 2, kNeverDistrib = 3 } |
enum | GRElement { kGRSlur =1, kGRDynamics, kGRArticulations, kGRText, kGRLyrics } |
Functions | |
GuidoErrCode | GuidoInit (GuidoInitDesc *desc) |
GuidoErrCode | GuidoInitWithIndependentSVG () |
void | GuidoShutdown () |
GuidoErrCode | GuidoParseFile (const char *filename, ARHandler *ar) GUIDOAPI_deprecated |
GuidoErrCode | GuidoParseString (const char *str, ARHandler *ar) GUIDOAPI_deprecated |
GuidoErrCode | GuidoAR2GR (ARHandler ar, const GuidoLayoutSettings *settings, GRHandler *gr) |
GRHandler | GuidoAR2GRParameterized (ARHandler ar, const GuidoGrParameters *gp) |
GuidoAR2GRParameterized. Transforms a Guido abstract representation into a Guido graphic representation. It use given GuidoGrParameters with a layout settings and a page format. If a page format is used in gmn code, it has priority over the GuidoGrParameters's page format. More... | |
GuidoErrCode | GuidoUpdateGR (GRHandler gr, const GuidoLayoutSettings *settings) |
GuidoErrCode | GuidoShowElement (GRHandler gr, GRElement elt, bool status) |
float | GuidoGetNotesDensity (GRHandler gr) |
GuidoErrCode | GuidoUpdateGRParameterized (GRHandler gr, const GuidoGrParameters *settings) |
void | GuidoFreeAR (ARHandler ar) |
void | GuidoFreeGR (GRHandler gr) |
const char * | GuidoGetErrorString (GuidoErrCode errCode) |
int | GuidoGetParseErrorLine () GUIDOAPI_deprecated |
void | GuidoGetDefaultLayoutSettings (GuidoLayoutSettings *settings) |
int | GuidoCountVoices (CARHandler inHandleAR) |
Gives the number of score pages of the graphic representation. More... | |
int | GuidoGetPageCount (CGRHandler inHandleGR) |
Gives the number of score pages of the graphic representation. More... | |
int | GuidoGetSystemCount (CGRHandler inHandleGR, int page) |
Gives the number of systems on a given page. More... | |
GuidoErrCode | GuidoDuration (CGRHandler inHandleGR, GuidoDate *date) |
Returns the music duration of a score. More... | |
int | GuidoFindEventPage (CGRHandler inHandleGR, const GuidoDate &date) |
Finds the page which has an event (note or rest) at a given date. More... | |
int | GuidoFindPageAt (CGRHandler inHandleGR, const GuidoDate &date) |
Finds the page which contain a given date. More... | |
GuidoErrCode | GuidoGetPageDate (CGRHandler inHandleGR, int pageNum, GuidoDate *date) |
Gives the time location of a Page. More... | |
GuidoErrCode | GuidoGetMeterAt (CARHandler inHandleAR, int voicenum, const GuidoDate &date, GuidoMeter &meter) |
Gives the current meter on a given date and voice. More... | |
GuidoErrCode | GuidoGetMetersAt (CARHandler inHandleAR, int voicenum, const GuidoDate &date, GuidoMeters &meters) |
Gives the current meters on a given date and voice. More... | |
GuidoErrCode | GuidoFreeMeters (GuidoMeters meters) |
Releases a meters array.. More... | |
int | GuidoGetTempoList (CARHandler inHandleAR, GuidoTempoList &tempi) |
Gives the tempo list. More... | |
GuidoErrCode | GuidoFreeTempoList (GuidoTempoList tempi) |
Releases a tempo array.. More... | |
GuidoErrCode | GuidoOnDraw (GuidoOnDrawDesc *desc) |
Draws one page of score into a graphic device. More... | |
GuidoErrCode | GuidoGR2SVG (const GRHandler handle, int page, std::ostream &out, bool embedFont, const char *font, const int mappingMode=0) |
Exports one page of score to SVG. More... | |
GuidoErrCode | GuidoGR2SVG1 (const GRHandler handle, int page, std::ostream &out, int width, int height, bool embedFont) |
Exports one page of score to SVG. More... | |
GuidoErrCode | GuidoGR2SVGColored (const GRHandler handle, int page, std::ostream &out, const VGColor &color, bool embedFont) |
Exports one page of score to SVG. More... | |
GuidoErrCode | GuidoSVGExport (const GRHandler handle, int page, std::ostream &out, const char *fontfile, const int mappingMode=0) GUIDOAPI_deprecated |
Exports one page of score to SVG. More... | |
GuidoErrCode | GuidoSVGExportWithFontSpec (const GRHandler handle, int page, std::ostream &out, const char *fontfile, const char *fontspec, const int mappingMode=0) GUIDOAPI_deprecated |
Exports one page of score to SVG. If fontfile or fontspec are set, the font is added to svg. The fontfile has priority over the fontspec. More... | |
GuidoErrCode | GuidoAbstractExport (const GRHandler handle, int page, std::ostream &out) |
Exports an abstract representation of GUIDO draw commands. More... | |
GuidoErrCode | GuidoBinaryExport (const GRHandler handle, int page, std::ostream &out) |
Exports an representation of GUIDO draw commands in a data-reduced dsl. More... | |
void | GuidoDrawBoundingBoxes (int bbMap) |
Control bounding boxes drawing. More... | |
int | GuidoGetDrawBoundingBoxes () |
Gives bounding boxes drawing state. More... | |
void | GuidoGetPageFormat (CGRHandler inHandleGR, int pageNum, GuidoPageFormat *format) |
Gives a score page format. More... | |
void | GuidoSetDefaultPageFormat (const GuidoPageFormat *format) |
Sets the default score page format. More... | |
void | GuidoGetDefaultPageFormat (GuidoPageFormat *format) |
Gives the default score page format. More... | |
void | GuidoSetStaffSize (CGRHandler inHandleGR, int staffNum, float size) |
Gives the staves size (one staff at a time). Staff will have given size until a \staffFormat tag with "size" param is defined. Size should be given in internal units. To convert from cm or inches you should use GuidoCM2Unit or GuidoInches2Unit . More... | |
float | GuidoGetStaffSize (CGRHandler inHandleGR, int staffNum) |
Get the staff size of given staff number. More... | |
float | GuidoUnit2CM (float val) |
Converts internal Guido units into centimeters. More... | |
float | GuidoCM2Unit (float val) |
Converts centimeters into internal Guido units. More... | |
float | GuidoUnit2Inches (float val) |
Converts internal Guido units into inches. More... | |
float | GuidoInches2Unit (float val) |
Converts inches into internal Guido units. More... | |
GuidoErrCode | GuidoResizePageToMusic (GRHandler inHandleGR) |
Resize the page sizes to the music size. More... | |
void | GuidoGetVersionNums (int *major, int *minor, int *sub) |
Gives the library version number as three integers. More... | |
const char * | GuidoGetVersionStr () |
Gives the library version number as a string. More... | |
GuidoErrCode | GuidoCheckVersionNums (int major, int minor, int sub) |
Checks a required library version number. More... | |
float | GuidoGetLineSpace () |
Gives the distance between two staff lines. More... | |
GuidoErrCode | GuidoMarkVoice (ARHandler inHandleAR, int voicenum, const GuidoDate &date, const GuidoDate &duration, unsigned char red, unsigned char green, unsigned char blue) |
Gives a color to all notes of a voice between a given time interval. More... | |
GuidoErrCode | GuidoSetSymbolPath (ARHandler inHandleAR, const std::vector< std::string > &inPaths) |
Makes the correspondance between an ARMusic and a path. More... | |
GuidoErrCode | GuidoGetSymbolPath (const ARHandler inHandleAR, std::vector< std::string > &inPathVector) |
Returns the path corresponding to an AR. More... | |
long | GuidoGetParsingTime (const ARHandler ar) |
Gets parsing time. More... | |
long | GuidoGetAR2GRTime (const GRHandler gr) |
Gets AR to GR procedure time. More... | |
long | GuidoGetOnDrawTime (const GRHandler gr) |
Gets GR drawing procedure time. More... | |
#define GUIDOAPI_deprecated __attribute__((deprecated)) |
typedef struct NodeAR* ARHandler |
typedef const struct NodeAR* CARHandler |
typedef const struct NodeGR* CGRHandler |
typedef struct NodeGR* GRHandler |