GUIDOLib  1.7.7
A Music Score Rendering Engine
Browsing music pages


int GuidoCountVoices (CARHandler inHandleAR)
 Gives the number of score pages of the graphic representation. More...
int GuidoGetPageCount (CGRHandler inHandleGR)
 Gives the number of score pages of the graphic representation. More...
int GuidoGetSystemCount (CGRHandler inHandleGR, int page)
 Gives the number of systems on a given page. More...
GuidoErrCode GuidoDuration (CGRHandler inHandleGR, GuidoDate *date)
 Returns the music duration of a score. More...
int GuidoFindEventPage (CGRHandler inHandleGR, const GuidoDate &date)
 Finds the page which has an event (note or rest) at a given date. More...
int GuidoFindPageAt (CGRHandler inHandleGR, const GuidoDate &date)
 Finds the page which contain a given date. More...
GuidoErrCode GuidoGetPageDate (CGRHandler inHandleGR, int pageNum, GuidoDate *date)
 Gives the time location of a Page. More...
GuidoErrCode GuidoGetMeterAt (CARHandler inHandleAR, int voicenum, const GuidoDate &date, GuidoMeter &meter)
 Gives the current meter on a given date and voice. More...
GuidoErrCode GuidoGetMetersAt (CARHandler inHandleAR, int voicenum, const GuidoDate &date, GuidoMeters &meters)
 Gives the current meters on a given date and voice. More...
GuidoErrCode GuidoFreeMeters (GuidoMeters meters)
 Releases a meters array.. More...
int GuidoGetTempoList (CARHandler inHandleAR, GuidoTempoList &tempi)
 Gives the tempo list. More...
GuidoErrCode GuidoFreeTempoList (GuidoTempoList tempi)
 Releases a tempo array.. More...

Detailed Description

The Guido Engine produces pages of music and therefore, the graphic representation consists in a collection of pages. The following functions are intended to access these pages by page number as well as by date. Page numbers start at 1.

Function Documentation

◆ GuidoCountVoices()

int GuidoCountVoices ( CARHandler  inHandleAR)

Gives the number of score pages of the graphic representation.

inHandleARa Guido opaque handle to a AR structure.
the number of voices or a guido error code.

◆ GuidoDuration()

GuidoErrCode GuidoDuration ( CGRHandler  inHandleGR,
GuidoDate date 

Returns the music duration of a score.

The duration is expressed as a fractional value where 1 represents a whole note.

inHandleGRa Guido opaque handle to a GR structure.
dateon output: the duration expressed as a fractional value
a Guido error code.

◆ GuidoFindEventPage()

int GuidoFindEventPage ( CGRHandler  inHandleGR,
const GuidoDate date 

Finds the page which has an event (note or rest) at a given date.

returns page + 1 when input date falls on the last system.
inHandleGRa Guido opaque handle to a GR structure.
datethe target date.
a page number if greater than 0, 0 if no page found,

◆ GuidoFindPageAt()

int GuidoFindPageAt ( CGRHandler  inHandleGR,
const GuidoDate date 

Finds the page which contain a given date.

returns page + 1 when input date falls on the last system.
inHandleGRa Guido opaque handle to a GR structure.
datethe target date.
a page number if greater than 0, 0 if no page found,

◆ GuidoFreeMeters()

GuidoErrCode GuidoFreeMeters ( GuidoMeters  meters)

Releases a meters array..

metersa meters array.
a Guido error code.

◆ GuidoFreeTempoList()

GuidoErrCode GuidoFreeTempoList ( GuidoTempoList  tempi)

Releases a tempo array..

tempia tempo array.
a Guido error code.

◆ GuidoGetMeterAt()

GuidoErrCode GuidoGetMeterAt ( CARHandler  inHandleAR,
int  voicenum,
const GuidoDate date,
GuidoMeter meter 

Gives the current meter on a given date and voice.

inHandleARa Guido opaque handle to a AR structure.
voicenuma voice number (starts at 1).
datethe target date.
meteron output: the current meter
a Guido error code.
See also
the GuidoMeter structure for the meter coding conventions
since version 1.6.4 and the support of complex meters with different units, GuidoGetMeterAt may returns incorrect results. It is maintained for compatibility but will be deprecated in future releases. You should use GuidoGetMetesrAt instead.

◆ GuidoGetMetersAt()

GuidoErrCode GuidoGetMetersAt ( CARHandler  inHandleAR,
int  voicenum,
const GuidoDate date,
GuidoMeters meters 

Gives the current meters on a given date and voice.

inHandleARa Guido opaque handle to a AR structure.
voicenuma voice number (starts at 1).
datethe target date.
meterson output: a null terminated meters array that must be freed wih GuidoFreeMeters.
a Guido error code.
See also
the GuidoMeter structure for the meter coding conventions

◆ GuidoGetPageCount()

int GuidoGetPageCount ( CGRHandler  inHandleGR)

Gives the number of score pages of the graphic representation.

inHandleGRa Guido opaque handle to a GR structure.
a number of pages or a guido error code.

◆ GuidoGetPageDate()

GuidoErrCode GuidoGetPageDate ( CGRHandler  inHandleGR,
int  pageNum,
GuidoDate date 

Gives the time location of a Page.

inHandleGRa Guido opaque handle to a GR structure.
pageNuma page number (starts at 1).
dateon output: the page date if the page number is valid
a Guido error code.

◆ GuidoGetSystemCount()

int GuidoGetSystemCount ( CGRHandler  inHandleGR,
int  page 

Gives the number of systems on a given page.

inHandleGRa Guido opaque handle to a GR structure.
pagea page number (starts at 1).
the systems count on the given page or a guido error code.

◆ GuidoGetTempoList()

int GuidoGetTempoList ( CARHandler  inHandleAR,
GuidoTempoList tempi 

Gives the tempo list.

inHandleARa Guido opaque handle to a AR structure.
tempion output: a tempo array that must be freed wih GuidoFreeTempoList.
the tempo array size of a GuidoErrCode when negative.
See also
the GuidoTempo structure for the tempo coding conventions
tempo unit and value are taken is priority from the 'bpm' tempo tag attribute or inferred from the tempo string when not present

Guido Project Copyright © 2019 Grame-CNCM