guido |
The main Guido Engine class.
guido2midiparams |
Guido to MIDI file settings
guidobinaryparser |
Parse guido binary export and add draw command into guidocommandbattery object.
guidodate |
Guido dates
Guido dates are rational values indicating fractions of a whole note.
guidodrawdesc |
Guido score drawing descriptor
guidodrawdesc is basically a data structure used to indicate how to draw a score
to the guido engine.
guidoelementinfo |
Guido score element basic description
guidoelementinfo is basically a data structure used by the score map API.
guidofactory |
The GUIDO Factory provides a set of methods to dynamically create a GUIDO
abstract representation.
guidolayout |
Global settings of the Guido Engine for the graphic score layout.
guidopageformat |
Guido page format
The Guido language includes a \\pageFormat tag to specify the page layout
within the score descritpion.
guidopaint |
Guido score drawing descriptor
guidopaint is basically a data structure used for clipping.
guidopianoroll |
A class to manipulate pianoroll.
guidopianorollbase |
A class to create and manipulate piano roll.
guidorect |
Guido rectangle descriptor
guidorect is basically a data structure used by the score map API.
guidoscore |
The main score API.
guidoscorebase |
The main score API.
guidoscoremap |
A Guido score map.
guidoscoremapbase |
A Guido score map.
guidosegment |
Guido time segments descriptor
guidosegment is basically a data structure used by the score map API.
limitparams |
Class of parameter for piano roll.
parserError |
Class to get the detail of parser error.