Package guidoengine

Class guidopianoroll

  • public final class guidopianoroll
    extends guidopianorollbase
    A class to manipulate pianoroll. Add extended API to draw score on a bitmap with a native device and draw the bitmap in a java.awt.Graphics object.
    • Constructor Detail

      • guidopianoroll

        public guidopianoroll()
      • guidopianoroll

        public guidopianoroll​(long arHandler)
    • Method Detail

      • GetBitmap

        public final int GetBitmap​(int[] dst,
                                   int w,
                                   int h,
                                   guidopaint area,
                                   java.awt.Color color)
        Draws the score into a bitmap. Actually, draws the score to an offscreen that is next copied to the destination bitmap.
        dst - the destination bitmap ARGB array
        w - the bitmap width
        h - the bitmap height
        area - clipping description
        color - the color used to draw the score
        a Guido error code.
        See Also:
        guidodrawdesc, guidopaint
      • Draw

        public int Draw​(java.awt.Graphics g,
                        int w,
                        int h,
                        guidopaint area)
        Draws the score. Drawing the score should be typically called from the paint method of a Canvas.
        g - a Graphics
        w - the desired drawing width
        h - the desired drawing heigth
        area - clipping description
        a Guido error code.
        See Also:
        guidodrawdesc, guidopaint
      • Draw

        public int Draw​(java.awt.Graphics g,
                        int w,
                        int h,
                        guidopaint area,
                        java.awt.Color color)
        Draws the score. Drawing the score should be typically called from the paint method of a Canvas.
        g - a Graphics
        w - the desired drawing width
        h - the desired drawing heigth
        area - clipping description
        color - the color used to draw the score
        a Guido error code.
        See Also:
        guidodrawdesc, guidopaint
      • Draw

        public int Draw​(java.awt.Graphics g,
                        int top,
                        int left,
                        int w,
                        int h,
                        guidopaint area,
                        java.awt.Color color)
        Draws the score. Drawing the score should be typically called from the paint method of a Canvas.
        g - a Graphics
        top - the top coordinate to begin to draw the image
        left - the left coordinate to begin to draw the image
        w - the desired drawing width
        h - the desired drawing height
        area - clipping description
        color - the color used to draw the score
        a Guido error code.
        See Also:
        guidodrawdesc, guidopaint