Package guidoengine

Class guidoscoremapbase

    • Constructor Detail

      • guidoscoremapbase

        public guidoscoremapbase()
    • Method Detail

      • finalize

        protected void finalize()
        finalize in class java.lang.Object
      • dispose

        public void dispose()
      • size

        public final int size()
        Give the map size
        the map size
      • get

        public final boolean get​(int index,
                                 guidosegment time,
                                 guidorect r)
        Give a relation by index
        index - the map index
        time - on output, contains the corresponding time segment.
        r - on output, contains the corresponding graphic rectangle.
        false in case of incorrect index
      • getTime

        public final boolean getTime​(guidodate date,
                                     guidosegment time,
                                     guidorect r)
        Give a relation by date
        date - a guido date
        time - on output, contains the corresponding time segment.
        r - on output, contains the corresponding graphic rectangle.
        true when the date is found in a time segment
      • getPoint

        public final boolean getPoint​(float x,
                                      float y,
                                      guidosegment time,
                                      guidorect r)
        Give a relation by point
        x - the point x coordinate
        y - the point y coordinate
        time - on output, contains the corresponding time segment.
        r - on output, contains the corresponding graphic rectangle.
        true when the point is found in a graphic segment
      • Init

        protected static void Init()
        Internal jni initialization method. Automatically called at package init.