GUIDOLib  1.7.7
A Music Score Rendering Engine
Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12]
 CGPaintStructA structure to keep information about clipping and redrawing regions
 CGuido2MidiParamsA data structure containing the settings for MIDI conversion
 CGuidoDateRepresentation of a date as a rational value
 CGuidoElementInfosInformation related to elements
 CGuidoGrParametersA structure embedding a layout settings and a page format
 CGuidoInitDescA data structure containing all information required by GuidoInit()
 CGuidoLayoutSettingsEngine settings for the graphic score layout
 CGuidoMeterA meter representation
 CGuidoOnDrawDescContains all graphic-related information required by GuidoOnDraw()
 CGuidoPageFormatThe page format parameters
 CGuidoTempoRepresentation of tempo information at a given date
 CGuidoVersionA structure for guido version, composed of 3 digit
 CLimitParamsA struct to set a piano roll boundaries in time and in pitch
 CMapCollectorAbstract class to be provided by clients to collect mappings
 CParserErrorA structure for parser error
 CRectInfosInformation associated to a rectangle in a mapping (MapElement)
 CTimeMapCollectorAbstract class to be provided by clients to collect time mappings
 CVGColorGeneric class to manipulate device independant colors
 CVGDeviceGeneric platform independant drawing device
 CVGFontGeneric pure virtual & device-independant font class
 CVGPenGeneric class to manipulate device independant pens
 CVGSystemGeneric pure virtual class for manipulating platform independant drawing devices and fonts

Guido Project Copyright © 2019 Grame-CNCM