PianoRoll * | GuidoAR2PianoRoll (PianoRollType type, ARHandler arh) |
| Creates a new piano roll from AR, corresponding to type : simplePianoRoll -> basic piano roll trajectoryPianoRoll -> every event is graphically linked to the previous one. More...
PianoRoll * | GuidoMidi2PianoRoll (PianoRollType type, const char *midiFileName) |
| Creates a new piano roll from Midi, corresponding to type : simplePianoRoll -> basic piano roll trajectoryPianoRoll -> every event is graphically linked to the previous one. More...
GuidoErrCode | GuidoDestroyPianoRoll (PianoRoll *pr) |
| Destroys a guido piano roll and releases all the associated ressources. More...
GuidoErrCode | GuidoPianoRollSetLimits (PianoRoll *pr, LimitParams limitParams) |
| Sets limits to a piano roll (start/end date, lower/higher pitch) More...
GuidoErrCode | GuidoPianoRollEnableKeyboard (PianoRoll *pr, bool enabled) |
| Enables keyboard or not (not enabled by default) More...
GuidoErrCode | GuidoPianoRollGetKeyboardWidth (PianoRoll *pr, int height, float &keyboardWidth) |
| Gets the piano roll keyboard width. More...
GuidoErrCode | GuidoPianoRollEnableAutoVoicesColoration (PianoRoll *pr, bool enabled) |
| Enables or not the automatic voices coloration (not enabled by default) (not for a midi rendering) // REM: � voir If a color is manually set with GuidoPianoRollSetColorToVoice, automatic color will not be applied for this voice. More...
GuidoErrCode | GuidoPianoRollSetRGBColorToVoice (PianoRoll *pr, int voiceNum, int r, int g, int b, int a) |
| Sets a RGB color to a voice (first voice is number 1) (black by default) More...
GuidoErrCode | GuidoPianoRollSetHtmlColorToVoice (PianoRoll *pr, int voiceNum, long color) |
| Sets a html color to a voice (first voice is number 1) (black by default) More...
GuidoErrCode | GuidoPianoRollSetColorToVoice (PianoRoll *pr, int voiceNum, const std::string &color) |
| Sets a html color to a voice (first voice is number 1) (black by default) More...
GuidoErrCode | GuidoPianoRollRemoveColorToVoice (PianoRoll *pr, int voiceNum) |
| remove a color to a voice (first voice is number 1) (black by default) More...
GuidoErrCode | GuidoPianoRollEnableMeasureBars (PianoRoll *pr, bool enabled) |
| Enables or not measure bars (false by default) More...
GuidoErrCode | GuidoPianoRollSetPitchLinesDisplayMode (PianoRoll *pr, int mode) |
| Sets the pitch lines display mode (automatic by default). Use Pitch lines display mode constants to pick lines which will be be displayed. Example : "kCLine + kGLine" will displayed C and G line. "kNoLine" doesn't display any line. "kAutoLines" adjust line display according to piano roll pitch range (automatic possibilities : no line, C line, C and G line, chromatic scale, diatonic scale);. More...
GuidoErrCode | GuidoPianoRollGetMap (const PianoRoll *pr, int width, int height, Time2GraphicMap &outmap) |
| Gets the piano roll map. More...
GuidoErrCode | GuidoPianoRollOnDraw (PianoRoll *pr, int width, int height, VGDevice *dev) |
| Draw the piano roll on a VGDevice. More...