GUIDOLib  1.7.7
A Music Score Rendering Engine
Here is a list of all modules:
[detail level 123]
 C++ interface
 Guido Score Map AdapterA C++ interface to the Guido score map API
 Guido Engine AdapterA C++ interface to the Guido Engine API
 Building abstract and graphic representations
 Timing measurements
 Parsing GMN files, strings and guido streams
 Guido Factory AdapterA C++ class over the GUIDO factory C API
 Guido Piano Roll AdapterA C++ interface to the GUIDOPianoRoll API
 Guido Reduced Proportional Representation AdapterA C++ interface to the GUIDOReducedProportional API
 C Interface
 MIDI support
 Error codes
 Building abstract and graphic representations
 Browsing music pages
 Score drawing and pages formating
 Timing measurements
 GUIDO Factory
 Parsing GMN files, strings and guido streams
 Piano-roll API
 Reduced proportional representation
 GUIDO Mapping
 Virtual Graphic System

Guido Project Copyright © 2019 Grame-CNCM