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Graphic to time mappings

Gives the mapping between the graphic and the time time. The mapping is given as a set of pairs of graphic rectangles and time intervals.

Note that the relations between the graphic and time space depends on Score layout options and Formatting options. Thus, and to make sense, layout and formatting parameters could be used with the mapping requests and should be the same than those used to get the graphic score.


ScoreID/getpagemap : gives the time to graphic mapping at page level. The array of mapping is called pagemap.
ScoreID/getstaffmap: gives a staff time to graphic mapping. An optionnal staff parameter may be used to indicate the staff number (default vaue is 1). The array of mapping is called staffmap.
ScoreID/getvoicemap : gives a voice time to graphic mapping. An optionnal voice parameter may be used to indicate the voice number (default vaue is 1). The array of mapping is called voicemap.
ScoreID/getsystemmap : gives the time to graphic mapping at system level. The array of mapping is called systemmap.
ScoreID/pianoroll/getmap : gives the time to graphic mapping for a piano roll. The array of mapping is called pianorollmap.
Response body
  • in case of success:
    a set of pairs indicating the relation between the graphic and the time space, formatted as JSON with the path as key.

    Example with getstaffmap for the score ScoreID:

    { "ScoreID" : {
            "staffmap" : [
                            {"graph": {"left": 80, "top": 0, "right": 122, "bottom": 451 },
                             "time": { "start": "0/1", "end": "1/1"} },
                            {"graph": {"left": 122, "top": 0, "right": 243, "bottom": 451 },
                             "time": { "start": "1/1", "end": "2/1"} },
                            {"graph": {"left": 243, "top": 0, "right": 312, "bottom": 451 },
                             "time": { "start": "2/1", "end": "3/1"} }
  • in case of error:
    An error message formatted as JSON with ‘Error’ as key.
    Example: { "ScoreID" : {"Error" : "incorrect score ID."} }
Response code
  • 200 (“Success”)
  • 404 (“Not Found”) in case of incorrect score ID.


Using jQuery:
