Score drawing options may be used when a graphic instance of the score is required.
- page:
a page number
default value: 1
- width:
the drawing area width in centimeters.
default value: 15
- height:
the drawing area height in centimeters.
default value: 5
- marginleft:
the left margin in centimeters.
default value: 1
- marginright:
the right margin in centimeters.
default value: 1
- margintop:
the top margin in centimeters.
default value: 0.5
- marginbottom:
the bottom margin in centimeters.
default value: 0.5
- format:
a string to request a specific image format. Accepted values are:
- png: to produce a png output
- jpg: to produce a jpeg output
- svg: to produce a svg output
- binary: to produce a binary output which can be parse with a external device to draw the score.
- gif: to produce a gif output
default value: “png”
- resize:
a boolean string (“yes”|”no”) to resize the page size to the music size.
default value: “yes”