GUIDOLib  1.7.7
A Music Score Rendering Engine
GUIDOReducedProportional.h File Reference

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RProportional * GuidoAR2RProportional (ARHandler arh)
 Creates a new reduced proportional representation from AR. More...
RProportional * GuidoMidi2RProportional (const char *midiFileName)
 Creates a new reduced proportional representation from a midi file. More...
GuidoErrCode GuidoDestroyRProportional (RProportional *pr)
 Destroys a reduced proportional representation and releases all the associated ressources. More...
GuidoErrCode GuidoRProportionalSetLimits (RProportional *pr, GuidoDate start, GuidoDate end, int lowpitch, int highpitch)
 Sets limits to a reduced proportional representation (start/end date, lower/higher pitch) More...
GuidoErrCode GuidoRProportionalDrawDurationLines (RProportional *pr, bool enabled)
 Enables or disable duration lines (enabled by default) More...
GuidoErrCode GuidoRProportionalEnableAutoVoicesColoration (RProportional *pr, bool enabled)
 Enables or not the automatic voices coloration (not enabled by default) If a color is manually set with GuidoRProportionalSetColorToVoice, automatic color will not be applied for this voice. More...
GuidoErrCode GuidoRProportionalSetRGBColorToVoice (RProportional *pr, int voiceNum, int r, int g, int b, int a=255)
 Sets a RGB color to a voice (first voice is number 1) (black by default) More...
GuidoErrCode GuidoRProportionalSetHtmlColorToVoice (RProportional *pr, int voiceNum, const char *color)
 Sets a html color to a voice (first voice is number 1) (black by default) More...
GuidoErrCode GuidoRProportionalRemoveColorToVoice (RProportional *pr, int voiceNum)
 remove a color to a voice (first voice is number 1) (black by default) More...
GuidoErrCode GuidoRProportionalEnableMeasureBars (RProportional *pr, bool enabled)
 Enables or disable measure bars (false by default) More...
GuidoErrCode GuidoRProportionalGetMap (const RProportional *pr, int width, int height, Time2GraphicMap &outmap)
 Gets a reduced proportional representation map. More...
GuidoErrCode GuidoRProportionalOnDraw (RProportional *pr, int width, int height, VGDevice *dev)
 Draw the reduced proportional representation on a VGDevice. More...

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