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Reset score with stream API

This service is used to reset a score using the stream API. You can only reset data to a score created with the stream API.
Response body
  • in case of success:
    The score ID, formatted as JSON with ‘ID’ as key. This is the same score ID in the request and in the response.
    Example: { "ID" : "a_unique_score_id" }
  • in case of session error:
    An error message formatted as JSON with ‘Error’ as key.
    Example: { "ScoreID" : {"Error" : "incorrect score ID."} }
Response code
  • 201 (“Created”) in case of success.
  • 404 (“Not Found”) in case of incorrect score ID.


The following HTML script passes in Guido Music Notation code to a server:

    <form action="*ScoreID*/reset" method="post">
      <input type="submit" value="Submit" />

Here is an equivalent call using ajax:

     url: '*ScoreID*/reset',
     type: 'POST',

or using jQuery:


or using curl:



You may think the GUIDO stream is reset with GuidoResetStream. The associated Abstract Respresentation is deleted.