Posting complete score ---------------------- | This service is used to create a new score. The URL is the root of the webserver. The score is in an request attribute called ``data``. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 **Response body** * in case of success: | a unique identifier, formatted as JSON with 'ID' as key. | Example: ``{ "ID" : "a_unique_score_id" }`` * in case of error: | An error message formatted as JSON with 'Error' as key. | Example: ``{ "Error" : "Parse error line 9." }`` **Response code** * 201 ("Created") in case of success. * 400 ("Bad request") in case of non valid GMN code. **Valid GMN code** is GUIDO Music Notation code that is successfully parsed. Examples ^^^^^^^^^^^ The following HTML script passes in Guido Music Notation code to a server::
Here is an equivalent call using ajax:: $.ajax({ url: '', type: 'POST', data: "[ g e c ]", }); or using jQuery:: $.post('', "[ g e c ]"); or using curl:: curl -d "data=[ g e c ]" POSTing files ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Files can be sent to the server via POST. For example, you can upload the file ``foo.gmn`` with:: curl --data-urlencode "data@foo.gmn" Internals ^^^^^^^^^^^ You may think of the returned ID as a reference to a `GUIDO abstract representation `_ [GAR], that is build using ``GuidoParseFile`` C/C++ API. Further reference to this ID may be viewed as a reference to this GAR.