Pianoroll drawing and formatting ================================ .. index:: single: pianoroll | Drawing a score and getting the corresponding image depends on optionnal layout and formatting parameters. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 params/layoutpianoroll params/formatpianoroll **Path** ``ScoreID/pianoroll``: for drawing a simple pianoroll. ScoreID is an identifier previously retrived using the POST method. ``ScoreID/trajectorypianoroll``: for drawing a trajectory pianoroll. ScoreID is an identifier previously retrived using the POST method. **Response body** * in case of success: | an image of the pianoroll which format and mime/type depends on the optional formatting parameters. * in case of error: | An error message formatted as JSON with 'Error' as key. | Example: ``{ "ScoreID" : {"Error" : "incorrect score ID."} }`` .. **Response code** * 200 ("Success") * 400 ("Bad Request") in case of incorrect parameter. * 404 ("Not Found") in case of incorrect score ID. **Response code** * 200 ("Success") * 404 ("Not Found") in case of incorrect score ID. Example ^^^^^^^^^^^ Using jQuery:: $.get('http://guido.server.org/XXX/pianoroll?page=2');