Server Options =============================================== The following options can be passed to the server on startup: - ``--port`` portnum : sets the communication port number *default value*: 8000 - ``--initfile`` the location of the (optional) server initiation file. See the sample init file guidohttpdserver.ini in the GUIDO source for inspiration. *default value*: A file called guidohttpdserver.ini in the directory of the executable. - ``--daemon`` used with upstart to make this run as a daemon. - ``--logfile`` log file name : use an empty string to write to STDOUT *default value*: guidohttpdserver.log in the directory of the current executable - ``--logmode`` logfile mode. Use 0 for Apache-like or 1 for XML. *default value*: 0 (Apache-like) - ``--cachedir`` name of the cache directory *default value*: A directory named ``cache`` in the directory of the current executable - ``--nocache`` not use cache directory for writing or reading session. - ``--svgfontfile`` name of the svg font file. *default value*: A file called guido2.svg in the directory of the current executable - ``--version`` version of the server and of guido - ``--access-control-allow-origin`` set 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' to '*' in http response headers - ``--maxsession`` maximum session hold in server. *default value*: 100 - ``--help`` display all of these options in a help message Here's an example of how to make the cachedir in the file ``/home/guidofriend/mychachedir`` ./guidohttpserver --cachedir /home/guidofriend/mycachedir Here's an example of how to run the server in daemon mode sudo nohup ./guidohttpserver --daemon &